Coming back home

You will always be forced to come home

Those moments of doubt, hurt and confusion are the compass.

They are telling you, you are not at home.

You have allowed others to have a louder voice than your dreams

You have stopped listening to your voice. You are auditioning for roles that won’t serve your purpose.

You are scared and anxious because you are not where you should be.

You are neglecting your needs.

You are gaining the world and losing yourself.

Your true north will always rage against the suffering, against the settling, against the normal!

To avoid some of this, be in alignment with your dreams, with self.

Shower your self with love, listening and validation from self.

Surround yourself with people who love you

Don’t go looking for love in people who don’t even love themselves

Love yourself loudly, leave no space for those who force you to audition for their love.

Give yourself the love you know you deserve


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